General information on Deportation Alarm

The Deportation Alarm channel of No Border Assembly informs about upcoming charter deportations from Germany. There is a Telegram channel, a Twitter account and a Facebook page that you can follow. This way, people who might be in danger of a deportation and solidary activists can stay informed about dates of upcoming deportations as far as are known. This channel hopes to warn about as many dates as possible, but sadly many more charter flights happen that we don’t know about in advance. On our homepage and in the topic Deportation Alarm you will also find the uptodate information we might think are most important for Thuringia.

last updated on 8.2.2022
!! Charter deportation to Serbia & North-Macedonia on 14.02.2022 from Karlsruhe Baden-Baden !!
!! Charter deportation to Sri Lanka on 15.02.2022 !!
!! Charter deportation to Russia on 17.02.2022 !!
!! Charter deportation to Ghana on 22.02.2022 from Köln-Bonn !!


Our sources of information are Aktion Bleiberecht, No Border Assembly, NGOs such as Flüchtlingsräte and other activist networks. We do our best to only use trusted sources for the information that we spread. We hope the channels will be a useful tool in fighting deportations. Every deportation that fails and every person who can stay is a success for us!

Please help us make the Deportation Alarm successful:
– Have you heard of a scheduled charter deportation? Please send us the information!
– Do you know people who might be threatened by a deportation? Please share the Deportation Alarm channel with them!
– Do you speak a language that we do not cover yet or found a mistake in our translation? We are happy about your help to make the channel accessible for all! (e.g. Tigrinya, Romanian, Romanes, Pashto, Albanian, Georgian)